Thursday, May 23, 2013

LG’s flexible OLED smartphone coming this year!

There has been a lot of excitement around flexible displays in phones, especially after Samsung showcased its prototype phone with such a display at this year’s CES. However, it is not Samsung but LG that is planning to launch a smartphone with flexible OLED in the fourth quarter of this year, the WSJ reports.
Yoon Bu-hyun, vice president of LG’s mobile division, disclosed about this first flexible OLED from LG and its possible launch time. He has also been reported to have mentioned that the bendable displays are made by the LG Display itself after a long period of research and development. However, it is not clear how flexible these displays would be or whether the yields are high enough to go into commercial production.
LG announced it shipped 10.3 million smartphones in the March quarter, piggybacking mostly on the success of the Nexus 4, which was sold by Google in multiple countries. A phone with a flexible display could bring back LG into the top smartphone vendors list.


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